Luke Archer

About Me

Hi, my name is Luke Archer. I am 17 years old and I am a senior at Pittsfield High School. I am involved in the National Honors Society, football, and baseball. After I graduate high school, I plan to attend a four year university to get my bachelors in sports medicine. I chose to do CEO to improve my soft skills and to learn how to talk to, and in front of strangers.






DISC Characteristics

  • • You are likely the one to initiate action before others. • Your patience is likely not great and you can become impatient when things don't happen quickly enough for you. • You like challenging assignments that require you to work out of your comfort zone. • You prefer to focus on the big-picture and the future, not the details or the past. • You can miss smaller but important details because you were moving too fast or focused too much on the big picture. • You are always interested in new approaches and new ways of doing things.
  • • You make an effective coach or counselor for others on the team. • You can be pretty disorganized and lack great attention to detail. • You are talkative and express your opinions freely. • You prefer an environment with plenty of people contact. • You bring a definite optimistic attitude to projects and tasks. • You tend to be always ready to converse with a group, even with people you've just met.
  • You prefer an environment that allows for lots of consistency, dependability and structure. • You possess excellent listening skills – some of the best. • You're always willing to help out in a pressure situation, even if you don't really want to. • You are very predictable, in a good way. You're always there, ready to pitch in, and complete the assignment. • You are very patient in working with a wide variety of people. • Increasing your sense of urgency could benefit your performance significantly.
  • You can develop a variety of strategies and procedures as situations demand. • You tend to operate somewhat more independently from the established rules and procedures. • You are more bottom-line oriented (e.g., "Let's get the job done now"). • You are probably perceived by others as a bit of a rule-bender. • "The 'right way' to do things is the way I'm doing them right now." • Your opinions tend to be quite firm when it comes to breaking with convention to answer the needs of the situation.