Ava Wombles

About Me

Hello! My name is Ava Wombles and I am a senior at Pleasant Hill High School. I participate in softball, basketball, volleyball, and am a member of National Honor Society, Student Council, and FCA. After high school I plan to attend Saint Louis University to obtain a bachelor's degree, and continue my softball career. I joined the Pike CEO program to get out of my comfort zone and learn more about the inner workings of a business. 






DISC Characteristics

  • You desire freedom from having to deal with detail; it restrains your effectiveness. • You always prefer to be in control, which can make you reluctant to delegate sufficiently. • You are very resourceful and can adapt quickly and easily. • You have no problem accepting the credit or taking the blame for results (e.g., "The buck stops here.") • When under pressure, you can become more of a one-way communicator (from you to others). • The higher the stress, the less you are likely to hear and the more you are likely to act or command.
  • • You prefer an environment with plenty of people contact. • You are sociable and outgoing with others. • You strongly prefer a democratic and not dictatorial professional environment or relationships. • You are affable and friendly when meeting new people. • You are talkative and express your opinions freely. • You are influential and talkative
  • • You are generally known as steadfast and dependable. • You prefer setting minimum levels of consistency and stability or control. • You can accept change, but you require a good argument for it first. • You prefer to have sufficient clarification of policy or tasks before proceeding, so as to avoid mistakes. • You think it is important to follow established procedures and processes. • You serve to stabilize others on a team who are perhaps too maverick.
  • • To you, the end usually justifies the means. • You are fine with change when it is clear how it will improve efficiency. • While you appreciate a need for procedures and protocol, you also understand they must be practical and directly support results. • You prefer to act as your "own person" rather than follow the norm. • You are persistent in trying to get a message across, even in the midst of resistance. • You may be perceived as being non-committal by some when it comes to deciding on how to proceed.