
Hi! My name is Alyssa Koeller. I am 18 years old. I am a senior at Western High ... Learn More

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Class of 2023

Alyssa Koeller

About Me

Hi! My name is Alyssa Koeller. I am 18 years old. I am a senior at Western High School. I'm involved in the National Honors Society, Student Council, volleyball, and cheer. After I graduate high school, I plan to attend a 4 year university to get my bachelors degree in Nursing. After that, I plan to go to an Esthetician school. I joined Pike CEO because I want to improve my communication skills and learn what it's like to create my own business.

Alyssa Koeller's DISC Profile


You can miss important details because you were too focused on the big picture. • When confronted with dissenting opinions, you can alienate others who don't agree with you. • You can be a high risk-taker, but usually not too extreme. • You are adventuresome in trying new ideas and innovations. • You have no problem accepting the credit or taking the blame for results (e.g., "The buck stops here.") • The higher the stress, the less you are likely to hear and the more you are likely to act or command.


• You can be pretty disorganized and lack great attention to detail. • You tend to be always ready to converse with a group, even with people you've just met. • Sometimes you can express your opinion too much. • You make an effective coach or counselor for others on the team. • You are sociable and outgoing with others. • You bring a definite optimistic attitude to projects and tasks.


• You think it is important to follow established procedures and processes. • You prefer to have sufficient clarification of policy or tasks before proceeding, so as to avoid mistakes. • You tend to be a calming influence on those with whom you work. • You don't like rocking the boat unless you absolutely have to. • You can accept change, but you require a good argument for it first. • You believe rules exist for a reason.


• You like an environment that provides independence from direct control. • You prefer varied activities, never a dull moment. • When forced to conform or be constrained you will resist and can even become obstinate. • You could become rigid about your desire to do things differently or more quickly. • You are probably perceived by others as a bit of a rule-bender. • You prefer to be encouraged to create and try new ideas and procedures.