Never be afraid to spectacularly fail as long as you learn from it, tenaciously go after every goal you have, stand up for what you believe in, be prepared to be flexible in life, and always be willing to give back to your community that supports you are just a few lessons that were shared to our Pike County CEO students. Catherine and Danny are the fearless leaders of Pike County and Pittsfield staple Dari Ripple. Thank you Catherine and Danny for your continued support of our Pike County CEO program, your support of Pike County, and for your time. Dari Ripple Pike CEOMidland Institute

Other News From Around The Same Time

We are excited to announce the first of our Pike CEO Class of 2025 Personal Businesses. Each week we will feature a personal business of one of our 2025 Pike CEO students. To start it ...

The least glamorous part of owning a business is having insurance. Something you have to have as a business owner but never want to use. When you do have to use it, it helps to have ...

The least glamorous part of owning a business is having insurance. Something you have to have as a business owner but never want to use. When you do have to use it, it helps to have ...